Fox News Apologizes After Posting Impeachment Fact

On Friday, November 5, the Fox News network apologized profusely and wholeheartedly to their readers and viewers after posting a true fact about the ongoing impeachment hearings of Donald John Trump.

“It was an inadvertent mistake,” admitted Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity. “One of our less experienced employees failed to negate the information that they heard in the impeachment hearing, and ended up sharing it without reversing its meaning.”

Hannity acknowledged that reporting facts goes deeply against the principles of the network, whose entire existence is predicated on making sure any news has been reversed to ensure their readers are kept uninformed and oblivious to what is really happening.

The mistake was online only 3.2 minutes, after which it was successfully removed and deleted from all servers that hosted it. These servers were then disconnected, removed from their racks, and physically destroyed.

“We take our commitment to telling lies to the American people very seriously,” stated Fox News Chairman Rupert Murdoch. “We will never be caught telling the truth about anything, particularly about anything that goes against the interests of those who pay us to lie for them.

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News Sense News is a SATIRICAL blog of FAKE NEWS that aims to showcase, criticize and ridicule corruption, ignorance and narrow-mindedness. We aim to entertain as well as educate.


Pence: I Was Not Aware

On Monday, Nov 4, vice president Michael Richard Pence defended his use a year earlier of a private email server to conduct official Government business.

“I was not aware that I should not do this,” the vice president stated. “You cannot blame someone for something they were not aware of.”

Mr. Pence was reminded that a year prior to his use of a private server, he had fiercely criticized the then Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton for using a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

“Yes, but that was Clinton,” explained Pence. “I was not aware that a Republican should not be doing this.”

He brushed aside any concerns that sensitive information may have been compromised when his private email server got hacked.

“There’s nothing that Russia doesn’t already know,” he shrugged. “No harm done.”

Source: Pence Used Personal Email for State Business – and was Hacked

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News Sense News is a SATIRICAL blog of FAKE NEWS that aims to showcase, criticize and ridicule corruption, ignorance and narrow-mindedness. It is often, as in this case, inspired by very, very real news, which we make sure we reference.