Pence: I Was Not Aware

On Monday, Nov 4, vice president Michael Richard Pence defended his use a year earlier of a private email server to conduct official Government business.

“I was not aware that I should not do this,” the vice president stated. “You cannot blame someone for something they were not aware of.”

Mr. Pence was reminded that a year prior to his use of a private server, he had fiercely criticized the then Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton for using a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

“Yes, but that was Clinton,” explained Pence. “I was not aware that a Republican should not be doing this.”

He brushed aside any concerns that sensitive information may have been compromised when his private email server got hacked.

“There’s nothing that Russia doesn’t already know,” he shrugged. “No harm done.”

Source: Pence Used Personal Email for State Business – and was Hacked

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