American Spy Story False, Dangerous for Life of Spy

On Tuesday, September 10, president Trump’s White House came in hard to deny the facts in a CNN story concerning a hasty extraction of an American spy working covertly within the Russian government due to concerns that president Trump could  compromise his identity in Tweets containing classified information.

“This story is false,” Trump’s new press secretary Stephanie Grisham stated, “and, in addition, puts the life of our spy in danger.”

Grisham admitted, that, fortunately, the danger was not serious, because the spy had already reached American soil and was now spending quality time with family in his parents’ home in West Warwick, Rhode Island. This, however, was besides the point, because there was no such spy to start with, so, any story about him was false from inception.

Fox News was quick to criticize CNN on their front page. “Lives in Danger”, they posted. “Not only is CNN’s story not true,” they said, “but it could compromise the safety of the asset, or that of his father Thomas or mother Tina.”

President Trump, who usually shies away from media attention, felt that the situation warranted his personal attention.

“Fake news by the fake media CNN,” he Tweeted. “James is not a spy. Just a regular guy, doing regular work. Shame. Congress should shut CNN down.”

CNN did not reply to any of the personal attacks, nor did they heed a Government call to immediately disclose the sources of their fake information.

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News Sense News is a SATIRICAL blog of FAKE NEWS that aims to showcase, criticize and ridicule corruption, ignorance and narrow-mindedness. It is often, as in this case, inspired by very, very real news.

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